Audition Preparation Checklist
Step 1: If you would like to audition for Alice in Wonderland or The Little Mermaid, sign up for an audition time slot using the link below. Each student needs their own time slot, siblings need to sign up for separate times. Currently we have time slots available for Saturday August 10th and
Sunday August 11th
Step 2: Email with the digital music link that you plan to audition with as soon as possible. We prefer these to be sent as YouTube links Having this information ahead of time saves time for everyone including the students during the audition process. Please send your audition tracks ASAP and refrain from sending music links the day of the audition as we wont be able to download it ahead of time and this will delay the audition process
Step 3: Complete the registration forms that will be emailed to you prior to the audition
Step 4: Review our website to read character descriptions, tuition information, and to review the difference between our Rising Stars show “Alice in Wonderland” and our Main Stage production of “The Little Mermaid”.
Step 5: Be sure your child has a song and short monologue memorized and prepared. Both song and monologue combined should not exceed 5 minutes. Please cut music if needed, or inform the director at what point in the song the music should start. You may not be able to complete the entire song, so be sure to choose the best part of that song to showcase your vocal ability within the time frame allotted. Ideal monologues should average 60-90 seconds, and songs 1-3 minutes.